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myB2B is a web platform born to directly bring together demand and supply of goods and services, at professional level (business-to-business or B2B).

It was born to overcome a very felt problem, a direct contact between producers and users, in order to receive and make offers based on objective parameters.

Its strength, in addition to the power of this tool, is its extreme simplicity. The profile configuration operation is practicable by anyone within seconds. Sending a request and its response are as simple as an email. No training time.
Bidders receive a message notifying them of a request, which can be evaluated to decide whether to answer or not.

The marketing and sales ultimate tool. As John Wanamaker used to say “I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I can never find out which half.” MyB2B fixes this dilemma.

The service is related to the horticultural industry, but the platform is available and can be implemented for other merchandise categories.
The system uses a semantic search process, with a proprietary algorithm that allows to select offers combining taxonomies and ontologies.


New emerging systems allow to implement new classes of products.

The matching of dedicated hardware, mobile, cloud and desktop devices offers opportunities unpredictable just a few years ago.

The realization times are reduced due to systems based on standard costs and are now accessible to all budgets.

From the software perspective, applications can be created on desktop environments (Windows, Linux and MacOS)*, and on mobile devices (Android and iOS)*. Integrating everything with cloud and other web-based solutions.

As some projects come to life, they are detached and become spin-off, like myB2B and Flipp.

(*) all brands and products are tradmarks and copyright of respective owners.


Welcome to my website.

I am an electrical engineer strongly dedicated to computer science and computer engineering with a keen inclination towards electronics.

I pursued a Master Degree in Data Science and one in Cybersecurity.

I live and work in Italy, in Padua area. Currently I’m engaged with web apps development, big data and Internet of Things. At present, my business is located in Italy, France and Switzerland, but I’m looking for further expansion.

I teach in Higher Education and post-graduate courses cooperating with relevant organizations and universities.